About Our Church
The West Leyden Reformed Church (WLRC) is a Protestant Church located in upstate New York in the small town of West Leyden.
We have Church Services every Sunday at 10 AM.
Other services are announced in our newsletter, on the website, and on our Facebook page.

The History of Our Church
The Reformed Church has a long history in West Leyden and an even longer history in America. The first Dutch Reformed Church was organized in 1628 in New Amsterdam (which is now the Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, where Norman Vincent Peale served as minister for 52 years) and continued until 1819 when it incorporated as the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. In 1867, the name was changed to the Reformed Church in America.
The church has had a lively history which includes such events as suspension of some services in 1877 due to 4-6 feet of snow, 87 cases of measles, and 23 of smallpox. In 1914, the steeple was struck by lightning, and in 1929, the parsonage was destroyed by fire, taking the life of Dr. Don Edward. In 1932, the stained glass windows were dedicated. In 1947, an addition was built which included a kitchen, a fuel room with a new furnace, updated dining room, and a Sunday School room. The Lord’s Acre Auction began in 1951 and continues to be an annual fall event in West Leyden over 70 years later.
The Reformed Church of West Leyden was organized on September 12, 1856, with ten members. The land was purchased, and the church building was completed and dedicated on January 20, 1861. The total cost for the land, church, and parsonage was $2,400. All services were in German until 1893 when it was decided to have one English service on the first Sunday of the month, and in 1900, there were two English services per month.
As Pastor of our church, Reverend Dave Corcoran provides inspirational, Bible-based messages. Dave has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Education and studied at Tabernacle Bible Institute in Shinglehouse, PA. He took courses through the Berean School of the Bible and has 25 years of experience in the pastorate. Dave and his wife Barbara live in Floyd and have three grown children.
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4546 Mud Lake Road
West Leyden, NY 13489